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If you find any bugs, you can report them to our new Issue tracker! You can also suggest new features / changes!
If you want to contact me, please email [email protected] or join our Discord!

Q: What information is being saved regarding Minecraft accounts?

A: Only things that are saved are: Username, Username History, Skins, Mojang / OptiFine Capes. Really other than that, there is nothing else being stored.

Q: Can My Username History be Hidden or Deleted?

A: Yes. You can do it here

Q: Can I hide my skin history and Cape history?

A: Log in and claim your Minecraft account, then you can hide skins / capes.

Q: How are OptiFine banner capes cached?

A: They are cached the same way as skins and Mojang capes are! I have a queue of OptiFine Capes and I manually edit them after a certain amount of time.

Q: Can I claim my Minecraft Account?

A: Yes! You can claim accounts by making a LivzMC Account here!

Q: Why aren't LabyMod or MinecraftCapes not caching?

A: You have to be logged in.

LivzMC is not affiliated with Mojang AB, OptiFine, Microsoft or any other companies mentioned.
Minecraft © Mojang
OptiFine © sp614x
LabyMod © LabyMedia GmbH
MinecraftCapes © james090500